Toy Camera / おもちゃのカメラ




日常の中で、「あ、この光は綺麗」と素直に思う瞬間や、不思議な色や空気に心が引っかかる瞬間。 娘用にと買ってあげたピンク色のおもちゃのカメラは、いつの間にか私の手の中でパチり、パチリとイメージを集めるようになっていた。






沖縄という地、眩い光の中で静かにエネルギーを発している草木や、生命の塊のような勢いを持つ子供達、空は晴れ渡り、海の表面には入道雲が白い影を作る。 当たり前のこの美しい時間の流れを、私たちは明日も変わらずに存在させられるのだろうか。



There are moments in everyday life when fragments, memories of my childhood unexpectedly come to mind. Some of these remembered fragments are pleasant and some aren't, like the feeling of watching an old TV with heavy background noise.

I believe everything in the world exists side by side in opposing dimensions.
It is as though life is balancing itself on a very fine and fragile line.

This series came together just like a puzzle. At first, I was shooting randomly and had no intention of assembling a group or having a single theme. In a sense, the images found each other, connecting and forming a whole.

I started to collect images with a pink plastic toy camera, which I bought for my daughter a couple of years ago. I basically collected images that were beautiful in terms of light and color, or because they had an unusual feeling of atmosphere that instinctively captured my imagination.

Looking through the album of these toy camera photos, I found images relating to one another and started to make adjustments around them. After a while, I found myself looking for something more, something different from those images I had collected. I couldn't figure out what I was looking for or what was missing.

When I discovered the location, Denshinya, everything seemed to fall into place.
The first time I visited Denshinya everything was still, as if time had stopped. The place evoked such nostalgia. It was a telegraph facility, built in 1897 and used until World War II. Denshinya and other telegraph facilities were connected by underwater cables from Kagoshima (on mainland Japan) to Taiwan. I was simply amazed by the fact that they had the technology to connect such long cables under the sea.

During World War II, it was used by the military and became a target for the Allied forces. Bullet holes remain on the surface of the building, like scars from the war. There is a quiet beach nearby, and the sound of the waves comes and goes, the same as when the facility was built.

The second time I visited Denshiya to shoot, everything seemed so strange, as though I had been put on a movie set with nobody around. I was shooting with nothing in mind, just absorbed by the moment. The sky was so high, clear and pure blue.

These ruins made me realize what was deeply hidden beneath my thought. The island of Okinawa, surrounded by such expansive nature, children with exploding energy, a sky so clear, billowing clouds that cast white shadows on the surface of the ocean...I wonder if we can continue with this beautiful flow of time into the future.

The scars on the ruins remind us - in this simple life, surrounded by dazzling southern light - how fortunate we are.

August 2014